The Truth of the Shortcomings of School (feat. Ben Pomeranz, Eleanor Kim, Leah Fink, and Gavi Vidra)

On Episode 31, we hosted our first-ever panel discussion with four other high school juniors about the drawbacks of the American education system. We discussed how inadequate financial and life-skill education leaves kids ill-prepared for choosing a major and career, how a core-subject system limits access to disciplines that students may be gifted in, why the SATs/ACTs and private school may disadvantage students of color and poorer students in the college admissions process, and possible solutions to level out the educational playing field.

A special thank you to Ben Pomeranz, Eleanor Kim, Leah Fink, and Gavi Vidra for their insight.


The Truth of Students in Science (feat. Hannah Park and Jonathan Tenenbaum)


The Truth of Youth - Q&A (Ex's, Extinction, and Education)